
lunes, 19 de junio de 2017

This is my first year with Migueland also in this high school. It is difficult to have a very complete lessons because we only have 3 hours per week, but i considered that we have made many  things and very varieted.
Last year the english class was made about mostly grammar and vocabulary.
This year we have read about many things and very varieted, we also watched many videos, and then we have discussed about them, it was a good and interesting part of the year because we dont do this types of things in other subjects.
But in my advise i think we hadn´t spend enough time in grammar explanensions , but i know is difficult to deep in things because we only have 3 hours.
Secondly i would like to speak and hear more english at the class, because i think it is the most important part of a language.
The blog is very important in this lesson and i think that it is a good idea because we use new technology while we are practising speaking and writthing.

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Nuestro proyecto va a ser un maquina expendedora con un arduino que contralará a dos servomotores de 360º que harán girar a unos metales en forma de muelle  para que caigan las chocolatinas.
El arduino también controlará a un teclado de 3x4 que cuando se pulse un número caiga un producto determinado.

También habrá un sensor térmico.

-Este es el comienzo de la estructura de la máquina de vending.

Esto es una práctica de arduino con el sensor térmico y su código arduino.

Esto es el código del teclado relacionado con los servomotores.


miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

PRACTICA 2: Las 3 flechas

PRACTICA 3: Crear una rosa

PRACTICA 4: Caza Pelota

lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

c1. Creamos en la opción de estrellas y polígonos un trianguloequilátero, o un polígono de tres puntos también llamado.
2. Sleccionamos como color el negro.
3.En la opción del rellleno del objeto le bajamos la opacidad al triángulo a un 80%.
4. Es mismo triángulo lo duplicamos y lo colocamos de la siguiente manera.
5. Agrupamos esa figura y la duplicamos y se coloca así;
6.Desplegamos ese objeto en modo espejo y le bajamos la opacidad al 50%  como si fuera un reflejo .
creamos dos triángulos equilateros naranjas y los colocamos en el centro de la figura en ambos lados del espejo.

jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

In the actuallity, with all the knowledge is very difficult to dont think that there is no one more than us in the univers, in my opinión i support the idea of intelligent life in other plantets.
For example Mars has been the biggest focus of the ongoing search for life on other planets for decades, and four years ago the scientist found the posibility of wáter.Finding water on a planet is vitally important to proving that life exists there because it acts as a solvent in chemical reactions for carbon-based life.Another reason is that Mars is located in a nice zone because the distance from the Sun in which conditions are optimal for the existence of carbon-based life.
Another example of posibility of life in the universo is   Europa, it is the fourth largest moon of Jupiter and the sixth largest moon in the solar system. Europa's surface is covered with ice.
Another planetoid mentioned in connection with Life in the solar system is Titan, the largest of the moons of Saturn. Titan has an atmosphere largely made up of nitrogen, with less than one percent of methane. The surface pressure of Titan's atmosphere is higher than that of Earth, but the temperature is extremely cold.
I think than we are very close to find our partners in the univers, this moment would be one of the most important in history.

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017

DEADLINE:Sunday 12 February at 10.00
INSTRUCTIONS: Think of a fictional character  that you like very much (if possible your favourite). DESCRIBE him or her following the guidelines below:
My name is Leia Skywalker and   I am a character of a famous science fction saga called Star Wars.
My father is Anakin Skywalker but now his name is Darth Vader and my mother is Padme Amidala.
My brother is a jedai whose name is Luck Skywalker, but we were separeted when we were borned.
My brother and I fight in the Rebels team against my dark father who is in the Imperio.
My boyfriend Han Solo worked for Jabba el Hutt and now fight with us in the republican band he has a partner of flight  who became a very good friend for me and whose name is Chewbacca.
One of the most exiting  moments was when I  killed Jabba who has my boyfriend as prsioner. Another unforgettable moment took place in Endor where I met the cute ewoks.
In a famous scene, wich happens at the beguinning of the film, I found my brother Luck after so many years. That was the most important moment for me.

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

Yesterday I was reading the news on the internet, and i saw an article in the education webside who
"Exams are the most effective way to test a students knowledge and ability"
In my opinion i am dont totally agree with this article, because there are another things  to see in the knowledge of students like the art, sports, the relationshios, music, imagination or creativity for example.
Not all the children are good in exams but they could be good in diffrent things.
But if you see it in a different way, making exams  maje students study more, because if they dont have test they might relax.
So making  exams is a good way to make students study mire but it would be interesting to make more creativity things

martes, 10 de enero de 2017

After having thought of my Christmas holidays, I think the most memorable event I remember is this:
This Christmas I went to spend few days with my familiy in Asturias like every year.
I had bought a return ticket for the 30 of December at 6 o´clock in the afternoon, as the next day i wanted to stay in Málaga to spend the new years eve with my friends.
When i got to the airport we were told  that the plain was delayed 2 hours because of the fog. We were waiting a lot of time and 5 hours later they told us that the plane was ready to leave. We went through the luggage control and when we started boarding the stewardess said that the flight had been delayed until the 1 st of January early in the morning. Everybody started to complain and for me the worst thing was that I missed the new years eve party.