
lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

c1. Creamos en la opción de estrellas y polígonos un trianguloequilátero, o un polígono de tres puntos también llamado.
2. Sleccionamos como color el negro.
3.En la opción del rellleno del objeto le bajamos la opacidad al triángulo a un 80%.
4. Es mismo triángulo lo duplicamos y lo colocamos de la siguiente manera.
5. Agrupamos esa figura y la duplicamos y se coloca así;
6.Desplegamos ese objeto en modo espejo y le bajamos la opacidad al 50%  como si fuera un reflejo .
creamos dos triángulos equilateros naranjas y los colocamos en el centro de la figura en ambos lados del espejo.

jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

In the actuallity, with all the knowledge is very difficult to dont think that there is no one more than us in the univers, in my opinión i support the idea of intelligent life in other plantets.
For example Mars has been the biggest focus of the ongoing search for life on other planets for decades, and four years ago the scientist found the posibility of wáter.Finding water on a planet is vitally important to proving that life exists there because it acts as a solvent in chemical reactions for carbon-based life.Another reason is that Mars is located in a nice zone because the distance from the Sun in which conditions are optimal for the existence of carbon-based life.
Another example of posibility of life in the universo is   Europa, it is the fourth largest moon of Jupiter and the sixth largest moon in the solar system. Europa's surface is covered with ice.
Another planetoid mentioned in connection with Life in the solar system is Titan, the largest of the moons of Saturn. Titan has an atmosphere largely made up of nitrogen, with less than one percent of methane. The surface pressure of Titan's atmosphere is higher than that of Earth, but the temperature is extremely cold.
I think than we are very close to find our partners in the univers, this moment would be one of the most important in history.